Saturday, March 10, 2007

In Praise of Spring-like Chicago

I post this entry, Five Degrees of Separation (from January 07) by way of celebrating today's run: what might be called my first Springtime jaunt after a long winter of chilly workouts.

"In six months, I've really become dedicated to my fitness commitment. How do I know? Simple: five degrees of separation. Five degrees Fahrenheit is what separates me from an outdoor workout. That’s my rule. If it’s below 5 F, I do a 60 minute workout tape indoors. the rest of the time? Rain, sleet, snow, cold-- I'm out there, running a 5k. that’s a level of dedication I'm proud of."

Photo/Layout Design © 2007 Ann Hetzel Gunkel; Software: Adobe Photoshop; Papers & Embellishments by Thao Cosgrove at

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