Sunday, March 18, 2007

NSV - Episode 1: With this ring...

At Weight Watchers, there is an adage that one must celebrate the Non Scale Victories (NSV). This really is an important idea because obsession with the scale will make you miserable and set you up for failure. In short, the scale cannot be controlled but your behaviors can. Moreover, if it's only about the scale, you miss the whole point of a healthy lifestyle.

Today's NSV: This week the magntitude of my accumulated weight loss hit me in a strange moment. I was talking a mile and minute and gesturing wildly (in short, a normal moment for me) when suddenly my wedding ring flew right off my hand, sailing across the room. I found myself at the jeweler admitting that I couldn't put off these sorts of adjustments to my new body. Right now that ring is at the shop, being resized. Its the first time in seventeen (17!) years that I've been without that ring for even a minute, let alone days. It feels strange, to be sure. But it's a lovely reminder of how far I've come. And yes, I'm much smaller than I was even on my wedding day almost seventeen years ago.

And my husband, not a jealous sort at all, suddenly wondered if it was a good idea for me to be on the town, looking hot without a wedding ring on....God Bless Non Scale Victories!


911emd said...

Ann I discovered your blog on a recent WW thread. I am 45 and am in week 6 of C25K, I am loving becoming a runner, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

The Gunkel Family said...

Thanks for visiting, 911emd. Keep up the great work adn good luck on your running.