Sunday, March 11, 2007

Runner's Axiom # 1

If you join me in that strange shift from "person who hates to run" to "person who has to run," you will notice some odd axioms emerge from your experience.

Runner's Axiom #1:

The more you run, the more you run. Tautology is supposed to be avoided, I know. But this one is true. The more you run, the more you need to run. The more you run, the more you want to run. The more you run, the more you love to run. Partly, your body just gets better at this thing and you need more distance, speed or what-have-you to push the limits. I think this is part of the addictive quality that attracts so many Type A personalities to our activity. This one will sneak up on on you, but some day it will simply be a self evident truth. That's the day you will have morphed from person who hates to run to person who has to run.

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